Judgement on a home lien in Memphis
Judgement on a home lien in Memphis

What Is A Lien and Can I Sell A House With A Lien In Memphis?

Selling your house even under the best of conditions can be a frustrating and challenging process. However, if you’re dealing with a house that currently has a lien on it, that adds a whole other layer of concerns you’ll have to handle. What really makes things hard is when you weren’t even aware of the … Continued
flames from a house fire in Memphis

Can I Sell A House With Fire Damage In Memphis?

According to the National Fire Protection Association, there were 363,000 residential building fires in 2018 that led to $8 million in property damage. Causes for home fires include cooking equipment, heating problems, smoking in bedrooms, electrical equipment malfunctions, candles, faulty wiring, barbeques, and lightning, just to name some. However they start, it’s important to know … Continued
how to sell a house with mold in Memphis TN

Can I Sell A House With Mold In Memphis?

If you’ve ever met anyone who had to deal with a house full of mold, you’d know that what sounds like a simple problem can easily turn into a nightmare. That’s especially true if what you’re dealing with turns out to be black mold. Mold may start out literally as a microscopic concern, but it … Continued
Tools to do repairs on a house in Memphis

Can I Sell A House As-Is In Memphis?

There are many reasons why you might want to sell your house as-is. Sometimes we find ourselves in situations where we need to make a move quickly. You might need to move ASAP because of a new job or change in your family situation. Or a financial situation can force your hand in order to … Continued
Couple waiting to talk to divorce attorney

How To Sell A House During A Divorce In Memphis

A divorce can be a complicated, emotionally draining ordeal that makes it hard to know how to move forward and what to do. If you have to sell a house during a divorce, that brings with it all kinds of issues and potential problems, especially if you’re dealing with a combative situation. Selling your house … Continued
Legal notice of foreclosure in Tennessee

Can I Sell My House In Foreclosure In Memphis TN?

When your house goes into foreclosure, that presents a lot of challenges and plenty of questions. You might also be in the process of attempting to sell your house and all of a sudden you now have to worry about whether or not foreclosure proceedings will scare away all your buyers. The good news is … Continued
couple listing their home with a real estate agent

Real Estate Terms You Should Know When Selling A House

Even those with experience can have a hard time navigating the real estate process, regardless of whether or not they’re buying or selling. There are plenty of rules, laws, expectations, and processes that you need to be aware of. So for anyone who hasn’t spent a lot of time working in real estate, it can … Continued
Cash for Keys

Selling A House With Tenants In Memphis

Just because you own a property that currently has tenants living in it, that doesn’t mean you can’t sell it right now. There are plenty of reasons why you might want to sell a rental property or house that currently has someone living in it. You might want to make that investment more liquid. You … Continued
how to sell a hoarder house

Selling A Hoarder’s House In Memphis

Hoarding is a condition that has been popularized in recent years by pop culture and reality TV shows. However, it’s one thing to see a hoarder’s house on the television and another thing altogether to be the person responsible for selling a hoarder’s house. Selling a house is already a painstaking and time-consuming process. Compounding … Continued
House in Memphis with For Sale sign in yard

5 Questions To Ask Yourself When Selling A House In Memphis, TN

If you’re selling a house in Memphis, Tennessee, you are going to have lots of questions about the process. It’s one thing to watch the home-selling from the sidelines and it’s another thing altogether to go into the home-buying process yourself. If you’re thinking of selling a house in Memphis, Tennessee, these are the five … Continued
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